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전체게시물 413
번호 제   목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
398 April IV St. Isidore, Bishop of Seville kchung6767 04-04 2751
397 April III SS. Agape, Chionia, And Irene, Sisters and their c… kchung6767 04-03 2669
396 April II St. Francis of Paula, Confessor founder of the orde… kchung6767 04-02 2329
395 April I Saint Hugh, Bishop of Grenoble, C. kchung6767 04-01 2255
394 March XXXI Saint Benjamin, Deacon, M. kchung6767 03-31 2420
393 March XXX St. John Climacus, Abbot kchung6767 03-31 2219
392 March XXIX SS. Jonas, Barachisius, and their Companions, kchung6767 03-29 2260
391 March XXVIII Priscus, Malchus, and Alexander, Martyrs kchung6767 03-27 2168
390 March XXV The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary kchung6767 03-24 2145
389 March XXIV St. Irenæus, Bishop of Sirmium, M. kchung6767 03-24 2191
388 March III St. Cunegundes, Empress kchung6767 03-03 2009
387 March II Martyrs Under the Lombards kchung6767 03-02 1989
386 March I Saint David, Archbishop, patron of wales kchung6767 03-01 1893
385 February XXIX St. Oswald bishop of worcester and archbishop … kchung6767 03-01 1910
384 February XXVIII Martyrs, Who Died in the Great Pestilence in… kchung6767 03-01 1912
and or
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굿뉴스 Diocese of Austin 마리아사랑넷
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Korean Catholic Church at Austin, Texas | 6523 Emerald Forest Drive, Austin, TX 78745 | Phone:(512) 326-3225
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