After 14+ years of volunteering at our church, I now have absolutely no responsibility at our church.
I can just attend Mass and leave or whatever. It is a new feeling. As I look at our website, I see that the
last comment was 7/7/14. It seems our website needs a little uplifting. I want to share or tell my fellow
parishoners that just because one does not volunteer does not mean we don't do anything. Remember,
this is our church. We need to protect it and help it to grow. I see the new Parish Council and I am
happy, very happy that we have new blood, but I also know how much work there is for them to do.
We must all help. I will do my small part by trying to get more people to share on this website. I know
this is English but I know everyone can read it. I will try to share more often.
I guess what I am trying to say is that just because I am not the president does not mean I have no
responsibility for this church. Every single one of you should feel the same way. Do something,
volunteer, pray, get involved in Sunday School, just do something. For example, why can't you just
share something on this website. Is it that hard! Ha ha ha. Don't you miss me.
I love you my dear brothers and sisters and as the Pope shows us get involved and be proud to be
a Catholic!!!!!!