본당 공지

교구 공지 사항

2020-03-15 09:19
다음은 신부님과 교구 전달 사항 그리고 첨부 파일은 오스틴 시장 지침입니다. 참고 바랍니다.

------ 다 음 ------

여러분 모두 이시기 잘지내고 계시지요? 미국의 거의 모든 교구가 미사에 대한 관면을 주기 시작했습니다. 오스틴교구도 어제 밤에 오스틴 시장의 지침에 협조하여 250명이상의 모임은 하지 않도록 각 본당에 주교님 명으로 공문이 왔습니다. 저희 본당은 아직은 마사를 할수가 있지요. 하지만 다음주는 어떻게 될지 모르지만 이지침은 일단 5월 1 일까지 유효한 것입니다. 오늘 미사때 건강한모습으로 뵙겠습니다. 혹시 걱정이되시는 분들은 미사에 오시지않아도 관면이 되니까 집에서 개인 기도로 대신하셔도 됩니다.

Good evening Fathers,



Following an order by the Mayor of Austin Saturday evening, as of 2am on Sunday, March 15, our Austin parishes are restricted to allowing only 250 people to gather in any one area of our parish facilities. I have attached the order to this email for your information. It is expected to continue until May 1, unless it is revoked at an earlier time. You may consider posting the order at the entrances of the church for the faithful to read. To avoid confusion, please do not post this internal email. 

The following are some recommendations for parishes affected:
  • Ensure that your hospitality ministers count the number of people entering the church. The count will need to include the priest, deacon and all liturgical ministers.
  • If possible, you may consider a simultaneous Mass in another location on your campus. That gathering may not exceed 250 people.
  • If possible, you may livestream the Mass in another location on your campus. That gathering may not exceed 250 people.
The bishop has decreed that anyone unable to attend Mass because of this city order is dispensed from the obligation of attending Sunday Mass.

Out of care and concern for the health and well-being of the people of Central Texas, Bishop Vásquez asks each City of Austin parish to follow this order, as they faithfully provide the Sacraments to the People of God. He also trusts the pastors to make their best prudential judgment in complying with the order.

You may contact me (512-517-1237) or Deacon Ron Walker (512-450-4242) any time tonight or tomorrow if you have any questions.

Bishop Vásquez and I will be convening our COVID-19 team on Monday morning to prepare further recommendations for the subsequent Sundays.

On behalf of Bishop Vásquez, thank you for your faithfulness and attentiveness to this evolving situation. Please know that you remain in our prayers.



Very Reverend James A. Misko

Vicar General

Diocese of Austin 

Catholic Diocese of Austin

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